Pokémon Legends Arceus

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[Image: pokemon-legends-arceus.jpg]

In recent times, I've been playing a fair amount of Pokémon titles.  I've played Pokémon Blue (which I still have to finish) and now I'm gripped by Pokémon Legends Arceus.  I love the new open-world direction Gamefreak has taken with this latest release.  It's clearly inspired by Nintendo's Breath of the Wild.  Smile

It offers plenty of new features as well as familiar elements which takes the game in a new promising direction.  Exploring, finding Pokémon, completing your Pokédex, crafting items, completing requests, boosting stats amongst other things make this a fun title.  

I'd love to know if others are playing Pokémon Legends Arceus.  If so, please hunt down my satchels, and maybe, we could trade a Pokémon or two.

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